Monday, April 20, 2009

Demo at Sac State

Today we did a demo at Sac State. Shawn also came, along with SD Caspin and SD Ron. The class was about service dogs and adaptive equipment. It was pretty cool, there were 5 groups of 8 students and they would come and ask a few questions and get a general overview of service dogs. We focused on telling the students about service dog etiquette and how to not pet/approach/feed a service dog while they are working or "not working" because it is important for the handler to always be in control. Another good point was to always talk to the handler and not to the dog. Overall the demo went well. Milano did her job, which was to look cute ;) Shawn also slept the whole time. Caspin and a Guide Dog that was also there showed how the dogs act on "release", the students seemed to like that, because the dogs really do get to have fun and it's not all work like most people think. The demo went so well that next semester we are going to do an entire class demo just on CCI :)

I forgot my camera! So there aren't any pictures of the event, but I'm going back to school tonight for class and can get some of Milano then.

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