Thursday, June 4, 2009

Milano at the horse races and work outs at the gym

Milano has been going out more and getting used to different environments. Over the weekend we went to Berkeley for the horse races. Milano was great, she didn't mind the crowds. There was yelling and cheering, people everywhere and different smells. Milano walked right next to me in a "heel". We went down and got a picture with the a jockey of a winning horse, he was so tiny and he loved Milano. He said something to her in Spanish.
Here's a picture of Milano at the horse races:

Milano has also been going with me to the gym. She hasn't gone yet when I've worked out, but we're working up to it. Today she laid by me when I stretched (and I need to stretch a lot ;) Milano just stayed in a "down".
Here's a picture of Milano on the way to the gym, she was being cute for Cass:
After I stretched we went into the Group X room to visit friends during their workout. Milano was hanging out on the floor until I released her and we started playing, she thought it was great. When she gets excited she she pounces up and down like Shawn. Next time I'll get some more pictures of Milano inside the gym.

And here's a picture of Milano's nights at home...she gets to relax :)

1 comment:

  1. That photo in the car is so cute! Sounds like her training is going really well!
